Digital Photography Art – Making Your Pictures Pay

Digital Photography Art

Instead of using your digital camera to only capture a scene as you see it, why not use it to make some digital photography art. You can use the features on your digital camera to produce a picture that when enlarged, printed and mounted can look like a piece of original art on your wall.

The one, the only, the original….

There is nothing worse than knowing that the piece of art you have hanging on your wall is probably hanging on a few thousand other walls as well. Well, why not create your own art using your digital marketplaces, it’s creative, it’s fun and above all the finished result is an original.

Getting Started in Art

You can find things to shoot everywhere, in the home, on a walk, in the town, on holiday. Everywhere, you just have to look!

If you’re not careful, all you will do with your digital camera is put the control in ‘Auto’ and snap away. Trying to get some digital photography art shots calls for a subtle change in the way you view things, the angle you view at, the proximity to the object, the way the light falls on the subject, the patterns on the surface. All of these things can give your shot fantastic effect when you take that second look.

What does that do?

Digital photography art is about seeing something first in your imagination, and then being able to use your camera to capture it, for this you need to know what your camera’s controls do and more importantly how and when to use them.

Most houses have some sort of pictures on the walls, why not let them be your own originals?.

You can learn to use your digital camera so that your pictures are as good as a pro’s. With the amount of technology available you could run a Photography Business from your home, and some people do, by sending your Digital shots to an agency instead of discarding them, or just leaving them stored on your memory cards, you could have a residual income that requires little or no work.

Digital Photography Art is all about visualising the shot you would like to see, and then being able to set-up the controls on your camera to achieve exactly what you want, and capture a Digital Photo that could be valuable.


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